Welcome to the 5th Quarter Blog!

Hi all!

We (Kevin & Philip) would like to welcome you all to our 5th Quarter blog. We are thrilled that you are here!

Throughout this blog, we are attempting to share some of our personal recovery and performance philosophies, as well as specific advice for athletes interested in improving their own performance. Our goal is to make essential information more accessible to athletes, by focusing on topics that will help them to get on the best possible path for their personal development. We want to help educate the next generation of athletes by making the findings of sport-specific research more understandable so that more athletes are able to make use of the findings and can instill some of the 'habits of success' into their daily routine. We are confident that if you do decide to invest the time into reading some of our blog posts, it can help you get one step closer to your goals. We are very excited to be part of your journey in becoming the best athlete that you can be. Let us guide you on how to get there!

Feel free to share any of the following blog posts that you think can benefit more people through the platforms of your choice!

"The sky is the limit!"

- Kev & Phil